Batman and Robin #12, with a luverly high-kicking cover courtesy of Frank Quitely. I might also try this:

Brightest Day #1, which is DC's new fortnightly year-long series about the heroes who were resurrected at the end of Blackest Night. Which I didn't read. Which begs the question, why would I wish to read a series that follows up a series I didn't read, and whose issue #0 I thought was, by and large, cack? Well, fuck knows. But it's out every two weeks, and what I love about mainstream comics is their serialized nature, and... and... No, let's stick with 'fuck knows'.
And I might give this a go too:

It's got Mike Allred of Madman fame on art, and it'll be less than a quid (DC/Vertigo tend to launch new series these days with cheapo $1 issue #1s). Worth a look, eh?
Oh, and I managed to nab issues 2 and 3 of Greg Rucka's crime comic Stumptown on eBay, so I'll be blogging about those (and issue #1) once I've read 'em, as the series fits into the general crime fiction 'bent' of this blog, so there might be an interested reader or, er, one. Brillo.

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