Quite an unnerving cover that. And I love that author pic of Westlake on the back. He looks so frickin' cool. That beard is awesome. Might have to grow mine a bit. I think this is one of my favourite author pics, right up there with that smouldering shot of Patricia Highsmith on a couple of the early Pan paperbacks:

That's The Blunderer on the left and Deep Water on the right. I've said it before but, holy cow, what a fox. Ah, if only I'd been alive in the fifties... and the right age... and in America... and, er, a woman...
Nice! Thanks a lot. That cover really is perfect. Often, I appreciate a cover purely because of its design but its rare that I feel it truly represents the book well, especially the more abstract covers. But this one really perfectly captures the theme of the book. You'll see when you read it. Thanks again for posting it.